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Visit Your Dentist Every 6 Months

November 18, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drbyars @ 10:06 pm

Your dentist for preventive care.Have you visited the dentist in the past 6 months? If not, you are placing your oral and overall health at risk. The ADA recommends every one over the age of two visits the dentist twice a year for preventive and diagnostic care. Unfortunately, too many people underestimate the importance of semi-annual appointments with their dentist. As your dentist, Dr. Michael Byars encourages you to visit your dentist regularly to promote optimal oral health.

Prevent Gum Disease

Even those who have the best home oral hygiene routines need to visit the dentist twice a year. Brushing and flossing at home are not enough to prevent periodontal disease, better known as gum disease. Even with proper brushing and flossing, plaque and tarter will accumulate around the gum line. When these accumulations are not removed, the gums will become infected.

Often, people do not notice the early signs of gum disease, which is easily treatable and reversible. As a result, the infection intensifies and spreads. When left untreated, tooth loss can eventually occur. Not to mention, gum disease is directly linked to causing serious overall health complications.

By visiting your dentist regularly, we are able to prevent the development of gum disease. Plus, we can detect gum disease in its early stages to prevent additional damage by treating the infection.

Reduce Future Dental Problems

Often, people do not visit the dentist until after a problem as developed. As a result, invasive and costly procedures are needed. In some cases, the damage may have become too severe and we will not be able to save a tooth from extraction. However, with a regular checkup and cleaning, we will detect complications while they are still small and, in some cases, we can even prevent the problem all together.

Early Detection

Regular appointments to the dentist offer early detection for an array of complications, not just gum disease or tooth decay. With regular examinations, we are able to detect serious health complications, such as oral cancer, osteoporosis, and even gastroesophageal reflux disease. Many oral health problems can be the result of a medical condition. While the symptoms of the medical condition may not yet be present, signs of the condition can begin to appear with your oral health.

Maintain Oral Health

Regular appointments to the dentist will help ensure the health of your teeth over the course of your lifetime. With the right care, you will promote your oral health by preventing many damaging complications, such as gum disease and tooth decay. We provide interventions and treatments to protect your teeth from damage before it even starts.

Where is a Dentist Near Me?

It is never too late to make your oral health a priority. If you have not been to the dentist recently, we encourage you to schedule an appointment right away. By visiting the dentist twice a year, you will help to ensure your smile stays healthy and beautiful while you protect your overall health. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment for preventive care.

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