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3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments for a Summer-Ready Smile

July 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbyars @ 4:15 pm

Woman with beautiful smile after cosmetic dentistryAre you tired of dodging vacation photos or avoiding pool parties because you don’t like the way your teeth look? You don’t need to spend another summer feeling embarrassed by your smile. Your cosmetic dentist in Kansas City has the solutions you need to revamp your teeth and self-esteem. Although you have more options than ever to achieve a picture-perfect smile, here are 3 popular treatments for summer.

1. Porcelain Veneers

A veneer is a porcelain shell that’s bonded to the front side of a tooth to instantly hide a variety of imperfections, like discoloration, chips, or cracks. When applied to the teeth most visible when smiling, they can provide drastic results that look natural.

Many patients choose veneers because they can correct several issues at once, eliminating the need for multiple procedures. Not to mention, modern veneers are thinner than ever, so the procedure is less invasive. In as few as 2 appointments, you can have a flawless smile you’ll be proud to show off for many years with the proper care, like committing to your oral hygiene.

2. Cosmetic Bonding

Also known as direct bonding, a composite resin material can fix minor imperfections, like decay, stains, chips, or exposed tooth roots. The material is carefully shaded to match the color of your tooth to blend in with your enamel, so no one will notice it’s there.

It can be used to improve a single tooth or multiple teeth for a cost-effective, convenient solution. Depending on the number of teeth you’re treating, you can have a stunning smile in 30 to 60 minutes; however, if you want to make multiple modifications, you may need more than one appointment.

3. At-Home Teeth Whitening

Don’t let tooth discoloration dull your confidence. You can stop wasting money on useless OTC whitening products and get your teeth as much as 8 shades brighter without leaving your couch. Your dentist can provide you with a take-home whitening kit. You can achieve in-office results from the comfort of your own home.

After an initial consultation to ensure you’re a candidate, they’ll give you everything you need, including a highly concentrated whitening agent and personalized trays. You’ll use the kit daily for about 2 weeks to resolve stains and discoloration. As the days pass, you’ll see your teeth getting noticeably whiter. Your new smile can stay bright for many months to several years with the right maintenance, like brushing and floss.

Get Your Smile Ready for Summer

You don’t need to let your insecurities hold you back from enjoying every minute of summer. It’s time to invest in a confident future with cosmetic dentistry.

About Dr. Michael C. Byars

Dr. Byars earned his dental degree at the University of Missouri – Kansas City before continuing his training in advanced restorative and cosmetic dentistry. He can handle complex oral health needs to create healthy, beautiful smiles. If you’re ready to achieve the smile of your dreams, contact our office today to see if cosmetic dentistry is right for you.

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