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Summertime Snacking with Dental Implants

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbyars @ 7:20 pm
People smile at barbeque.

Dental implants are considered the ideal solution when it comes to tooth restoration. They mimic natural teeth in color, luster, shape, and function while keeping the jaw strong and fooling strangers into never thinking you had any restorative dental work. A large part of their supremacy is that they can allow the patient to eat foods that were once unchewable, including barbeque and many other popular summertime foods. Read on to learn about eating the fare of the hotter months with dental implants.

How Do You Want That Cooked?

Steak is delicious, tender, juicy, flavorful, and perhaps the greatest cut of meat known to the human race. Because of its robust texture, people with missing teeth can have difficulty chewing it. Dental implants give your jaws new vigor by restoring lost biting force with the entire tooth structure, allowing you to sink your fangs into the meat with the best of them.

It’s Grillin’ Time

It’s hard to eat corn on the cob with missing teeth. Even with dental implants, the kernels can still get stuck between an implant and the gums. An alternative is cutting the corn from the cob and eating it from a plate. This will also keep the corn from getting stuck in your smile when you’re being photographed.

Hot dogs are a popular summer indulgence, but they are full of processed saturated fat. Too much of this fat can lead to gum inflammation or even gum disease, which can cause an implant to fail. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat hot dogs. Just have them in moderation.

Skip the Soda & Other Sugary Items

There’s a good reason dentists loathe sugary drinks like sodas, juices, sports drinks, and more; they’re packed with sugar and acidic particles. Acid is among the worst things for enamel, and the acid-producing bacteria in your mouth love sugar. Consuming too much of these beverages puts the buildup of acid and bacteria on the fast track. Limit the amount of flavored sugar water you drink while also staying aware of how many other popular items like barbeque sauces are full of high-fructose corn syrup. In any case, try to opt for drinking water when possible as it’s the best beverage for your oral health, as well as your first line of defense against the cavity-causing bacteria spawned by certain summertime drinks.

Dental implants are a long-term solution that can last for decades. By being careful about the foods you eat this summer, you can protect your investment and keep your new smile looking great. Now go forth and chow down, for a smorgasbord awaits.

About the Author

Dr. Michael C. Byars earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Missouri – Kansas City. He went on to complete The Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency, a one-year program focused on advanced restorative care and implant dentistry. His office offers services in general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, restorative dentistry, emergency dentistry, Invisalign, periodontics, and dental implants. For more information about eating with dental implants, contact his office online or dial (816) 781-8222.

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